No Ocean – No Future

Ocean plastic pollution has become a major threat to our ocean which are the most important ecosystem on our planet. Over 8 million tons of plastic end up in our ocean every year with an estimated total of 150 million tons currently in ocean circulation. Plastic bottle down into smaller and smaller pieces and in that time it is likely to be ingested by a marine animal.
As a result we see marine wildlife perishing while microplastics entering food chains with yet unknown risks for human health.
The most effective way to fight this problem is to improve waste management practices and recycling infrastructures while working on sustainable plastic alternatives.
Since 80% – 90% of all plastic that ends up in the ocean originates from developing countries it’s these high-risk regions that need to be in the focus.
Here at the Ocean Material Group we take the Ocean centerstage to built a material brand with established social and environmental credentials that can facilitate supply and demand for recycled raw materials. Together with our partners we identify high-risk ocean pollution areas, certify collectors and recyclers, and connect them with the world of manufacturing. Then we create consumer demand through compelling branding and storytelling.
In doing so, this will help to resolve the infrastructure problems surrounding the handling of plastic waste and create new economic and social opportunities in developing countries. 


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