Blue Carbon


The Significance of Blue Carbon: A Vital Ally in Combating Climate Change

Blue Carbon refers to the carbon captured by the world’s ocean and coastal ecosystems. Here, the ocean emerges as a crucial modulator of climatic stability, holding 16 times more carbon than the terrestrial biosphere. It has absorbed almost a third of the CO2 humans released into the atmosphere and trapped approximately 93% of the excess heat in the biosphere, stemming from the massive release of greenhouse gases. Particularly noteworthy are coastal ecosystems, constituting a mere 2% of the ocean surface, including mangroves, salt marshes, and seagrasses. These ecosystems play a vital role by absorbing 50% of the ocean’s carbon, underscoring the importance of focusing on these areas to maintain a healthy ocean balance.

This concept holds immense importance, especially in the context of our mission at Ocean Material® to empower coastal collector communities through ethical recycling and environmental education. Blue Carbon assumes a pivotal role in the global fight against climate change. Beyond storing substantial amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2), coastal ecosystems offer a myriad of benefits that extend far beyond the carbon sequestration process. Thriving ecosystems act as natural protectors, mitigating flooding and erosion, providing a shield against storms, and fostering job creation and food security.

Join us in the fight for a healthier and more just planet by recognizing the critical role of Blue Carbon and supporting our mission at Ocean Material®.

#bluecarbon #climatechange #sustainability #environmentalimpact #oceanlover #oceanmaterial


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